I like to begin by telling you who you are not before settling down to answer the big question: “Who are you.” A lot readily comes to mind when we are asked who we really are, but it is best if we start answering this big question by knowing who we are not.

You are not a biological accident: A lot of people think they came to earth by some form of accidental discharge and believe they find themselves here on earth as a result of some mystical error. You will only wallow in this thought when you refuse to question your true purpose here on earth.

You are not a matter meant to occupy space: One of the first lessons we learnt studying Integrated Science way back in my junior secondary school days is that matter is anything that occupies space and has weight. In as much science classifies you as matter, it is not so in the real sense of things. You are meant to move weight around: weight of problems that you can provide solutions to so and many other weights around you, instead of just occupying space.

You are not a failure: A failure in the actual sense is one who has given up in an attempt and we all have failed at some points in our lives, but refusing to go pass your failures and wallowing in them is a defining factor of what failure really is. So you are not a failure as long as you are willing to give it another try and when you fall, pick up a lesson.

You are not a problem: You were created to solve a problem for a generation at such a time as this and so stop whining about the things that aren’t working and set about finding solutions to them. Imagine if Thomas Edison had given up on his 1000th attempt at the discovery of the Electric Bulb, what would be the fate of the world today? Alexander Graham Bell didn’t invent the telephone; he simply fixed the problem that stopped the transmission of the human voice from one end to the other, when the initial inventor had given up.  Stop adding to the problems of earth and start solving them!

You are not who the world or society says you are: The world has a funny way of telling people who they are not and many have accepted this narrative to become their reality. You are the active player in the script of your life and as such you are permitted to write it the way you want it to play out. Stop allowing what people’s opinion about you are to stop bordering you. Albert Einstein was thought to amount to no good even by his parents, but he changed his narrative and today is one of the most celebrate humans in the history of mankind.  

Now let’s answer the question;
You are a SPIRIT, who possesses a SOUL and lives in a BODY.

Man as a SPIRIT: this is the immortal nature of man as a being. The spirit is the very nature of God in us that is why the Bible refers to us as gods. The spirit is the very creative force of nature; the part of man that cannot be killed. Man lives in a physical world controlled by the spiritual that is why man must be conscious of this aspect. It is the control of the spiritual that determines how far we go in the physical, that is why we must be careful of the things we say, the thoughts we conceive in our minds and the things we do, because the universe is filled with many waves, the kind of message we communicate, determines the kind of wave we attract. The battle field of life is in the mind which is found inside your spirit being, that is why if you are determined to become rich or make a difference in your mind, it reflects on the outside and it becomes your reality, however, it takes a lot of work, determination and the right kind of exposure to basic truths to get there. The spirit is the part of man that returns to the creator, after life here on earth. I do very much believe in the reality of life after our stay here on earth and so should you.

Man as a being that possess a SOUL: This is the very nature of man that differentiates him from angels; the soul is the connecting point between the spirit and the body. It is the very life in man (the breath of God) because in death, it vanishes. The soul is the intellectual capacity of man and as such needs to be developed through taking in the right kind of information, keeping up with healthy habits such as reading great books.

Man as a Biological Being: Biology tells us that the following makes man up: MR NIGER DA: Movement, Respiration, Nutrition, Irritability, Excretion, Reproduction, Death and Adaptability. However there is more to this that a lot of people are not aware of and one of such truth is that you are God's representative here on Earth and therefore should live as one. You were born to dominate and reign in life, you are a trail blazer. You are equipped to win in life; a born champion. You are a problem solver in other words you are a solution to Earth's problem, Bible call us the salt of the Earth. Therefore you are not permitted to settle for a life of mediocrity. As Brian Tracy beautifully puts it: "There are two important days in a man's life, the day he was born and the day he discovers why."

Dear friend, find your purpose in life, pursue it and everything else will fall in place, every man who made history in life discovered his purpose and pursued it, though nobody said it was going to be easy. History never forgets those who discovered purpose and pursued it. The best time to start is NOW! I hope to see you at the top, because at the top is where eagles fly.
