I used to belong to the category of people that focus on the problem at hand rather than the solution or the opportunities such problems or challenges present. This was so because then I  had no idea that the challenges that besets us in life come along with something called OPPORTUNITY and often times as humans we focus so much on the challenges and become enraged by them and become too blinded to see the OPPORTUNITIES they present slip unnoticed. Now I am of the school of thought that believes that in every problem or challenge, there is an opportunity or there are opportunities and instead of dwelling so much on the problems or challenges, it is important to look again and see beyond what your physical eyes can see! In other words see with your inner eyes and your mind will be blown at the numerous opportunities you will find. Most times these challenges come to move us from our comfort zone and as such we should see them as blessings in disguise even though there are times, the experiences aren’t pleasant. I’ll tell you a quick story.  When I was leaving the banking sector to pursue my dreams, at this point in my life I was already engaged to my then fiancé and was going to marry her but then the desire and passion was so strong that I didn’t want her to become my wife as a banker or struggling to change career which by the way wouldn’t have been easy. Now pursuing my dreams meant I was to give it everything I got: time, money etc. One would assume that being my fiancé she should have stuck by me as her man; I mean if there was person who should so much believe in my dreams and aspirations that would have been her, but reverse was the case, she wanted me to work, provide for her and the kids in the future on a job I was no longer happy with, I can’t imagine how frustrated I would have been if I were still there till date. She became an antagonist to my new found truce, to cut the very long story short, she left and I must confess it was a devastating experience. I mean I was trying to get my business on its feet, battling with living without the regular alerts I get every month, which by the way at some point was no longer enough, I was trying to do something for myself for the very first time. It shook me to my bone marrow; a lot of thoughts came to mind but suicide wasn’t one of them LOL. I was angry at the world but resolved to move on and channel the anger into making the business succeed no matter the obstacles, I was determined to get up eight times, if I were to fall seven times, I was determined to make her realize she took the wrong path and I gave it my all and till date I still give it everything. I was so engrossed with working late into the early hours of the next morning that most times I go to bed between 3-4AM everyday and didn’t know I had developed a sleeping disorder. Sleep became a prayer point for me LOL. But then even though I have not gotten to where I want to be, I am not where I used to be before. It baffles me when I hear that guys commit suicide simply because they got jilted which in the first place should be a motivating factor, well it all boils down to individual difference, but the truth remains that if you take a second look, a more critical look you will see the opportunities that lies there in. 

*by the way, my ex-fiancé came begging and I still wonder till date what she forgot that she wanted back so badly, but then I had learn a woman who leaves you when you are down the ladder, will leave you again, when things go wrong.  
