You will agree with me that every day new businesses are being birthed in our beloved country called Nigeria, which is a good sign because the economy of great nations are entrepreneurial driven. It is also disheartening to note that four out every five new business ventures that sets out barely makes it past the fifth year in business, for obvious reasons which I will be pointing out in this article. Being in business for seven years now and having worked in the financial sector both in the public and private arm I have over the years observe the trends in the business sector of our economy and have come to the conclusion that the economy policies of our country are not designed to favour SMEs.

Heavy Taxation: In my opinion I think our taxation laws are not favourable to small and medium scale enterprises. I am of the opinion that SMEs should be given tax holidays for their first five years in business before the relevant tax agencies begin taxing them, this will allow them build stability in business and give them a soft landing while facing the harshness of doing business in this part of the world. In some cases, it is multiple taxation like we see in the cases of VAT deductions from bank accounts as well as other tax related charges being charged which I feel is completely unnecessary if you want such business to grow. In fact, the moment you get an office space the Local Government Authority, State Internal Board of Revenue and other Agencies are already pursuing you like it is a witch hunt and I don’t just understand why. To pay tax when your business is yet to go full swing, are you serious?

Unavailability of Financial Aids: In advanced countries Development and Specialized Banks are established for this purpose to provide young businesses with the needed funds to grow and expand their businesses at reasonable interest rates which is usually single digit but in Nigeria reverse is the case though we have the likes of Bank of Industry, Bank of Agriculture having these funds, the problem most times is that accessing these funds becomes problematic due to the stringent measures put in place and I ask, how then are the SMEs supposed to benefit this way? In advanced countries these business owners go to these banks and collect such loans at single digit interest rate, come to this part of the world and invest such money and we call them foreign investors, allocating lands and giving them undue opportunities we won’t grant our SMEs in this country. I have always advocated that passion is a much needed currency for business owners to start their venture however we can’t rule out the place of finance in business expansion.

Excessive Bank Charges: It is advised that business owners should separate their personal finance from their business finance and one of the ways to do that is by having a separate bank account from their personal account for that purpose, but what baffles me is the fact that these banks are not encouraging SMEs to save money at all or grant them ease of doing transactions. The charges are just too much ranging from monthly maintenance fee to the N50 Stamp Duty charges which I am yet to see what they do with it, then there is commission charged, bank charges on bank transfers even in interbank transfers, SMS charges, the ATM maintenance charges, the VAT or just one ridiculous charge or the other. Before my inflow started to increase I found doing bank transactions rather difficult, because by the time a client does a transfer of let’s say N10, 000 before you say JACK ROBINSON! The said amount is less than N10, 000 due to some outrageous charges, most SMEs can relate with this. 
Government Policies: The duty of any government is to ensure a level playing field through policy implementation that are favourable to its citizens and ensuring the ease of doing business as a priority, I don’t think I can say same of the Nigerian government. The Chinese government have made sure that the ease of doing business on Chinese soil is quite favourable and so every day you Nigerians clamoring to get Chinese visas to get to China and see what they can buy and bring back to Nigeria thereby earning foreign exchange for the Chinese economy but the moment these goods they have bought lands on Nigerian shore it is a different story entirely starting from the clearing process and the numerous fees they charge, it becomes burdensome and tiring and in most cases it is translated to the prices of the goods when they finally hit the market, why won’t we have inflation? There are times when government have seized import license and handed it over to an individual like we have seen in the case of rice importation, the question is, what then happens to the other business owners with these license or who have placed orders?

Financial Indiscipline: It would be unfair to just throw all the blame in the way of the government without also pointing to the fact that some of these business owners are also the architects of their own misfortune. A number of businesses have gone down the drain to poor financial discipline skills on the part of the owner and as such we have seen cases of frivolous spending or the conversion of business finance for personal purpose and this is not healthy for business. 

... to be continued

Enyinnaya Iroadumba 
