This is not me being controversial but earnest and modest. As a Brand Strategist I have observed with keen interest at the lineup of candidates vying for elective positions come 2019 and I must say with no intentions to hurt the feelings of anyone that for a vast majority, the outcome is already predictable and I say these things because of a number of facts that a number of them are taking for granted or overlooking as the case maybe.

The Orientation of the Electorates: Truth has it that there was a time the electorates acted in ignorance and as such the political class could manipulate them however they wanted to, but gone are those days. The 2015 elections should be a clear cut example and with the level of awareness going on about electorates getting their PVCs in addition to the fact that the number of enlightened voters is on the increase, anyone one without noble intentions and good credibility is out to fail woefully.

Absence of Strategy: The game of politics whether in the Western World or a third world country like ours is a game of strategy and very few win out of sheer luck or opportunity, while a vast majority who played their cards and play it well, emerge winners. Case – in – Point: Barack Obama before his election as the president of the United States of America had held a number of offices from his day as a student in Harvard and went through the ranks, in fact before he emerged president it was almost predictable what the outcome will be even though a number of odds were working against him (his race and skin colour). A study shows that everyone who became the president of the United States of America have been predicted before now. You want to run for office and you think two years of preparation will just cut it? I don’t think so. Some people don’t have a framework to work with or let me put it in political terms a well-constructed manifesto that address the problems of their electorates before running for office, quite pathetic, it may have worked before now not anymore. What long term and short term plans do you have as regards your political career? Some don’t even have any strategy at all.

Absence of Grass-root Engagement: In as much as we need the elites to win elective positions, it is also important that grass-root involvement is key. Does the woman frying Akara by the junction know who you are? If I mention your name to ten persons in your community, how many persons can recall your name without difficulty? Most times we think to attain these things are as difficult as they seem, but in the actual fact, they are not.  

Track Record: I am being careful not to cite examples in our Nigerian context so some people don’t take it personal so permit me to use other examples that are quite applicable in our own system. The question is who are you before now? It is imperative to note that who you are before you made up your mind to run for office, plays a crucial role in your standing a chance to win or not. People want to know and see the things you have done before now, that is why we must be careful with the way we live our lives as the past just have a way of hunting the future, most importantly your track record should speak well of you, only then can people take a chance on you.

Bad Campaign Team: Yes, I said it! Believe it or not your team has a crucial role to play and that is why you have to be deliberate and careful in choosing your team. Do not select based on prejudice, get the best hands possible and leave nothing to chance.

Poor Branding: I know some of you think it ridiculous right? Ask Adebola Williams and Chude Jidenowo if I am making sense or not. You think the HOPE campaign and YES WE CAN slogan that brought Obama into power was just a myth? The Transformation Agenda and Breathe of Fresh Air worked but failed because a superior Change came and outwitted it in 2015. I will leave it at that, but you must understand that you are seen before you heard.

Sincerity of Purpose: I had to save the best for the last because it is as crucial as other points raised so far. I want to personally appeal that this should be taken seriously as we have seen this work against incumbents in recent times in the political terrain. If you must run for office, please do so with the intention to serve and not enrich yourself, those who go there to enrich themselves are simply short sighted people and short term planners, if you dream long term I am optimistic that you will realize it is pointless to seek elective positions with the intention of enriching yourself.

I know as a country we are heading to that point where it won’t be business as usual as most people still think it will be. It is high time we take the game of politics quite serious, I call on the electorates to work magic and remove any incompetent person from office come 2019 because we call the shots.

Your PVC is your Voice!

Enyinnaya Iroadumba
Brand Strategist and Consultant


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